Godly counsel and godly ways


Psalm 25:9:  The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way.

God loves to work with people who are of humble heart and attitude.  He will guide the humble in justice and teach them His way.  God loves to guide and teach those who have a teachable spirit.

God will guide those who want to learn from Him.  He will guide them in ways of justice or how to execute things the right way.  God’s word says that He is near to those who are broken in their spirits.  His care and love will definitely uphold those who are waiting for a touch from Him.  He teaches His way through His Spirit or through His word.  He will instruct and guide the humble in the way that they should go.  God will ensure that we will not be tossed and turned about like waves in the sea not knowing where to go.  If we diligently seek His ways, He will be more than happy to teach what pleases Him and what doesn’t.

By being humble, we continue to gain God’s favour in all our walks of life.  When we pray to Him, He knows that we are seeking His counsel.  Let us proclaim to God that we are awaiting His guidance and teaching in all things that pertain to us for life.  Spend time with God, learn His word.  Let the Holy Spirit guide and teach us God’s ways.




  1. Mids Luke
    12 Oct 2019 10:37:16 Reply

    Am encouraged by this message today – had read Proverbs 3:5,6 earlier today which conveyed the very same messaage.

  2. Mids Luke8
    12 Oct 2019 10:39:48 Reply

    Am encouraged by this message today – had earlier meditated on Proverbs 3:5,6 which conveyed the very same message.

  3. Mids Luke
    12 Oct 2019 10:40:14 Reply

    Am encouraged by this message today – had earlier meditated on Proverbs 3:5,6 which conveyed the very same message.

  4. Mids Luke
    12 Oct 2019 10:42:55 Reply

    Encouraged by this message today. Just a while ago I had prayed and meditated on Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6.

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