Your Purpose in Life


Ephesians 4:24  And that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

God has a perfect plan for everyone!

It may not be easy to follow God’s calling,  but it is definitely worth the effort!

Ask Paul, the man who terrorized thousands of Christians during the early days of the church. Even when Paul was a terrorist, God had a plan for his life.

And God did not give up on him!

As Paul rode to Damascus to massacre the next lot of worshippers, the Lord appeared to him and changed his life.

From terrorist to preacher, the change was enormous! (Acts 9:1-19)

Was it easier to preach to people who were apprehensive about this terrorist-turned-preacher, than to hunt down and torture the followers of the Lord Jesus?

Practically, it would have been easier to follow the latter and earn the respect of his community, who wanted to hurt the followers of the Lord Jesus.

But, Paul would surely tell you that there is no greater joy than following the call of God.

When we follow God’s plan, there is peace in the storm! There is an inexplicable sense of contentment and success.

And, yes, there is a path to Greater Victories when we change ourselves to follow the will of God!


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