Hello God, I really need some Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.


James 1:5 -“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

Moses was a person mentioned in the Bible who had a lot of knowledge. Yet, he depended on God for his every step. Solomon was a wise man because this was what he asked for from God, instead of wealth or honor. God was pleased and said “there will never have been and will never be” one with wisdom and discernment as Solomon. Why were people from the Bible asking God for wisdom? Were they dull or with low power of comprehension?

God is mighty. God is omnicient (all knowing). God knows the timelines of the world and all that is in it. God knows what He created and how each functions. This much in itself covers about all that there is on heaven and earth. So, who would we rather rely on for our knowledge? Our brain, our books in all of the world’s libraries or online books, our teachers, the internet, or God? This doesn’t mean that we stop reading our books or stop any learning from tomorrow.

God gives us His knowledge by revealing things to us, if we build or have a relationship with God. When we spend time with God, He will reveal what is relevant for us at the current time. God has created each one on this earth for a purpose and has equipped us with all the relevant talents to have this purpose met.
The scripture says that anyone–be it a person who is a Christian or an unbeliever, a smart or dull person, a  fat or thin person, a tall or short person, a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, a king or a beggar, a do-gooder or a known sinner– all of these people, and then some, are included in this promise. So, if anyone calls out to God or asks God, it is promised that God will not merely give, but “give generously” without questions to them about their life and actions. This means that God can be approached by all and anyone. This means that God wants to help everyone but He will not do it on His own accord, He waits for us to ask Him. This means that we can be successful and excellent in all we do when we approach God for His knowledge of what to do and how to do it. ‘Giving generously without reproach’ depicts what a Father would do. What greater love than this?
