Be Holy


1 PETER 1:15 – “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” 

In the world today, does anyone still talk about conduct? And what does it mean to have good conduct? Furthermore, in the most popular social media, can one even talk about having “holy” conduct?

It seems as though the more controversial and unusual one’s behavior is, the more attention the individual gets.

We are commanded to be ‘holy’, ‘separated’, ‘consecrated’, and ‘set-apart’. That means we probably will stand out if we choose to have this sort of conduct. For instance, when everyone in school, in college or at work is behaving inappropriately, we should not participate in that.

It is not easy to take the right stand, and that is why the Apostle Peter wrote: “Therefore, prepare your minds for action: be self-controlled”(1 Peter 1:13). We need to practice self-control and choose to be holy like Jesus was holy.
Holy in our thoughts; holy in the way we dress; holy in the way we speak to one another; and holy in our hearts. Our external behavior should be a reflection of our internal holiness. And we should be holy to please God and not men because He is the one who knows the innermost and deepest intentions of our thoughts and hearts.

So, let’s choose holiness; its fruits are worth it! Let’s choose to keep a holy conduct that will leave a Christ-like impression wherever we may be and at whatever age we are!


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