I Will Arise


Micah 7:8 — “Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.”

This is the ‘year of favor’. So far we enjoyed the blessings of a faithful God. Take a deeper look – the blessings weren’t related to our deeds or our righteousness in any proportion. We are called to – ‘Arise and build’. We must wake up from our complacency, backsliding, or lackadaisical attitude and build one person, who will raise people and in turn build a place. The place is the kingdom of God where His name will be praised. What will happen when others spoil these plans or when we encounter hardships in our everyday life?
Micah says “when I sit in darkness” not “if”. God did not promise a smooth road. We maybe going through something. God has allowed that temporary something; maybe to groom us into a person for the new role He has for us. Waiting for God (while not knowing) is evidence of our trust on God’s faithfulness. God is with us (Immanuel) through our darkness. God WILL elevate us before our tauntors and show us the whole picture, but at His time.

Do you need to arise in your spiritual life today? Thank God for His plans. You have an everfaithful God beside you. Today, instead of only thanking God for His blessings and praying for more, ask God about what YOU can do for others in and with your blessings.
