Jesus My Only Defense!


Psalm 41:2 “The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive, and he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.”

When it is for His children, Jesus never holds back. He goes all out to preserve, deliver, bless, protect and provide for the ones who love and depend on Him completely. The above verse is a testimony that our Lord is not some unknown supreme power resting somewhere in the universe and calling the shots. On the contrary, He is our Heavenly Father, filled with love and concern for His people, constantly fighting for our cause. He is the defender of the weak and comforter of those in need.

The world we live in is full of disappointments and unpleasant situations. We are in constant battle within, without and beyond. It is humanly impossible to hold on to our sanity when surrounded by chaos and confusion. Here is where our ever faithful and loving Father steps in. In this verse, He promises us that troubles may come but they will not break us because He will ensure that He preserves us. Unfortunate events may occur but His children will receive a double portion of His blessings. Enemies may rise against us and make devious plans to destroy us but our God will strike each one of them down with His mighty power and supernatural strength.

Are you facing the greatest challenge of your life today or are you stuck in a hopeless situation and see no way out? Are the burdens of this world too heavy for you to carry? Look no further. The Lord who created you is with you in every situation and able to do the impossible in your life. He is not done with you until he does not right your every wrong and fixes your every mistake. However, he cannot do great things in your life unless invited. So, what are you waiting on? He has an impeccable track record of protecting, preserving, blessing, delivering and winning every battle. He is the only defense you need!


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