Jesus sat down


Hebrews 10:11-12 – “And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.”

The tabernacle of the Old Testament didn’t have any kind of seating arrangement for the priests. They would walk in, stand while performing their priestly duties, and then walk out. And a priest’s job was never done, either. The sacrifices they made on behalf of the people had to be repeated time and again. Let’s face it, nobody made a sin offering and then never sinned again. They would eventually mess up, and had to come back with yet another sacrifice.

But there was one Priest who did sit down. When Jesus cried, “It is finished.” on the cross, His priestly duties were done, once and for all. Jesus finished His work on the cross and then sat down at the right hand of God. There would be no more sin offerings. Forgiveness was free to everyone who believed in Christ’s finished work on the cross.

Jesus became our ultimate sin offering. We no longer have to offer animals as offerings, but we can offer something better. We can offer ourselves as living sacrifices, choosing to follow Christ every day of our lives. We can make conscious decisions to leave behind our sinful desires and look up to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. And we can offer up to Him daily a bountiful offering of praise and thanksgiving that is acceptable and pleasing in His eyes.
