Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life


John 11:25:  Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection , and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. (KJV).

Jesus’ friend, Lazarus had died, and Jesus was not with the family at that time of grief.  When Jesus came to the house of Lazarus, it was 4 days since he had passed away.  Though He came a little delayed to the town of Lazarus, the power in Him to raise Lazarus back to life had not diminished.  He knew He was the resurrection and the life.

Martha knew that her brother would be raised to life on the last day, but Jesus wanted her to believe that He was the resurrection and the life right then and not just the last day.  She was worried about the delayed coming of Jesus, but Jesus wanted her to know the fact that God’s delays are not denials.  Amen.  He wanted her heart to believe in Him right there at the grave that He could bring back the dead Lazarus back to life.  When we don’t get immediate answers to our prayers, we think that God has forgotten us.  That is not how God takes the situation.  If there are delayed answers or responses to your problems, just remember that it is for a greater glory.  Your problems are going to be solved supernaturally in ways that you probably didn’t think of.

If we believe in God, we shall see His glory.  Our dead and stinking situation or circumstances will have life breathing over them if we speak God’s word over them.  Just allow God who is both the resurrection and the life to work over it.  You will enjoy His miraculous touch.


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