
Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.

Isaiah, the prophet, foretold these warnings when the people of Judah and Israel had turned away from God. They had achieved prosperity and power, but this success had reached their heads. They continued to offer meaningless sacrifices at the temples and were blinded by their achievements, not realizing how they drifted away from the Lord.

The Lord says in verse 2 that He had raised them, but they rebelled against Him. Verse 3 says they didn’t make the effort to understand God. The following verses continue to show how deeply they hurt God through their indifference. That’s when the call of Isaiah changes to a strong disciplinarian tone. He urges the people to LEARN!!! Learn what? Learn five of the most important acts that touch the heart of God.

  1. Begin with doing good – doing good is more than attending Sunday services, volunteering and giving tithes. It is serving His people by reaching out, lending a hand and building relationships.
  2. Seek justice – Justice is standing with and speaking for the powerless. It is when someone receives punishment according to their wrongs. It means that people are treated fairly without ANY prejudices. Justice also includes RESTORATION. Jesus Christ fulfilled all of these for us, which is why Justice is so close to His Heart.
  3. Rebuke the oppressor – Call out the tyrants, dictators and bullies!!! Be the voice for the voiceless.
  4. Defend the fatherless – Can you think of someone who is fatherless? God would like you to uphold their cause. Pray and seek His direction for them, for He is their Father!
  5. Plead for the widow – Look around for widows. Petition on behalf of her/him. You will be blessed.

Today, on Human Rights Day, make a resolution to join Heaven’s Justice League. May the Lord equip you with His wisdom, counsel and power to do His will and establish His Kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven!!!


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