Kingdom Sized Faith


Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 

How many times have you struggled with faith? You know that the Lord is good, but just looking at the sheer size of that mountain in front of you is so overwhelming that the valley seems even more deeper and the mountain much higher. As we’ve been learning in the past few days, we ARE over-comers since we are born of the Lord. As with every great success story, the key is your focus. So long as you focus on Christ and keep moving; there is no mountain that is too high, nor valley too deep, that He won’t lead you out of.

Just keep building your faith, so that you can stay focused. We know that faith is living in the fulfillment of that which we believe the Lord has already released in our lives through His promises.  We need to continue wrapping ourselves in the teachings of Christ continually.

Listen to His Word, with minds that are open and willing. What we believe affects what we hear. Jesus said, ‘though hearing, they do not hear or understand.’ So if we are in that place where we find it difficult to understand the Word of the Lord, we need to re-check our pre-conceived notions. Ask the Lord to prepare in us a clean heart and a willing mind that is eager to discover beyond what you can already see and what you already know.  Searching for the Truth is always encouraged in the Kingdom for we know that there is only ONE Truth-Christ Jesus. Those who seek diligently will find, those who ask will be answered and those who knock will have the door opened. May your faith increase to ‘see’ the unseen, in Jesus’s Name!


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