Kneel Before the True King


Psalm 95:6 NKJV

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Psalm 95 is a call to praise and worship the Lord, the Maker of the universe and all that exists within it. Today’s verse encourages us to come as we are, worshipping, bowing down, and kneeling before the Lord. Belting out the lyrics of our favorite worship songs or singing at the top of our lungs is just not enough. When we enter the presence of the one and only true King, we should surrender ourselves wholeheartedly.

Back in the day, kneeling before a king symbolized loyalty and allegiance to the crown. It was a gesture through which subjects expressed their devotion and commitment to their king’s authority. As God’s chosen ones, we need to recognize His Lordship over us. He reigns over our lives and everything concerning us. He is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, and our loving Father.

When life’s journey throws you off track, the best response is to embrace a worship lifestyle. Every darkness will depart, strongholds will break, burdens will feel lighter, and fears will fade when we submit ourselves to our Sovereign King. Today, let us come with obedient hearts and kneel before our Lord, confessing our complete surrender to Him. Sit back and watch Him take over beautifully!

There exists only one name truly worthy of worship, glory, and honor: that name is JESUS!

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