Magnify God In Obedience


Psalm 34:7 – “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.”

Saul, the King of Israel, wanted to kill David. He followed David when he ran away to Gath, a Philistine city. Abimelech, the king of Gath, was not his well-wisher so David was afraid. Instead of trusting in the Lord, David first made his own plan. He made Abimelech think that he was crazy, because in those days they thought it wrong to kill crazy people, and Abimelech sent David away. He went to a cave in Adullam and 400 people went to the camp that David made there. In this scripture, David thanked God that he was safe. Though David was at a low point in his life, he still overflowed with praise and trust. He could even see God’s angelic camp around him through his eyes of faith. This is evidence of guardian angels given for us. In the Bible, the angel of the Lord is a term sometimes used for God Himself.

This is the same attitude we should adopt when everything seems against us. Even if invisible, David’s protection was real. Even though we may not physically see the angelic presence around us, it is real. We must learn from David of how he boasted of the Lord and His goodness especially in his time of trouble. He wanted to tell all the people how great God is though he was at the lowest point in his life. He magnified, made God bigger than his situation by his obedience – in his speech and actions. We must also magnify God despite any situation. Our God is bigger and Almighty than anything known to man. A God in whom we can trust. God’s faithfulness knows no bounds. David’s prayers for help were answered. He was not put to shame. He was kept safe with angelic presence in his times of trouble. Like God listened to David’s praises and was pleased with him, we will also see God’s abundance in mercy and grace.
