Mercy follows us


  The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. Psalm 103:8 

Some of us are overcome with the feeling of guilt. We feel guilty for not being up to the mark at our workplaces, we feel guilty for not being better than others that we look up to, we feel guilty for not having time to spend with family, with new mothers working from home nowadays, many of them feel guilty for not being able to give 100 percent concentration to their kids at home, so many many reasons to feel guilty about. We feel so because we feel we are not enough, and in this process of feeling guilty we also become very hard upon ourselves. We overwork, we overthink and stress out. 

It is in these situations, we need to take a step back, stop our never-ending thoughts of guilt, and focus on the Lord who is merciful and gracious. A Perfect GOD like him knows the value of mercy and grace because where there are mercy and grace, there is no guilt, there is only confession, peace, and reform.  GOD understands our struggles and is slow to anger and abounding in mercy. GOD knows and is assured that we are capable of handling all the situations of our life victoriously, and that is why they are in our life. 

So, rather than feeling guilty and thinking less of ourselves, let us dwell in the knowledge that we are taken care of by a merciful and loving GOD, He doesn’t want us to be hard on ourselves and he doesn’t want us to stress. He wants us to dwell in HIS peace which is beyond the understanding of this world. He wants us to be happy in everything we do and have. Let us rejoice and thank GOD for this blessed day filled with HIS presence. 


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