My Reward


2 Timothy 4:8 (NKJV) – “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

Training for the 100 meters race for the school sports day meant a lot to young Jonathan. A month before the race, he told his parents to wake him up every morning at 5 am so that he could go out and practice. He told his mother to give him a diet that would help him build his strength and stamina as he practiced hard for the race. He gave up his favorite pizzas and burgers for healthy food to make him stronger. He gave up his TV time every night so that he could sleep early and wake up early for practice.

What was it that made young Jonathan give up watching his favorite TV programs and junk food? It was the promise of a reward at the end of the day. He was working hard and doing all he could to ensure that he would win the race and win that coveted gold medal on sports day.

God has promised us a reward on the day of judgment when He returns to this world to bring justice to evildoers and to reward the righteous with the crown of righteousness. Do you want the reward that God has promised, the crown of righteousness.?

As children of the Living God what are things, we must do? Work hard like young Jonathan to win the reward that has been promised to us? What are the sacrifices we must make to strengthen us and prepare us for this reward?

Faith in Lord Jesus and His second coming and living a righteous life according to God’s plan for our lives is our preparation for the reward. Sacrifices of abstinence from this world of sin and acts of sin and following in the path God has laid out of us is the success formula to win that crown of righteousness that God has kept for us when He returns to this world.


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