O come let us adore our Immanuel


Isaiah 7:14 – “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

A pastor wondered if the church decorations were too much. Were the big wreaths too big? Would it hinder the worshiper’s view of the service? Then he was reminded that the nought “O” shape of the wreath was a perfect match and reminder of the crown of thorns worn by Jesus as part of His road to crucifixion, death and resurrection. The event that He went through for us, in obedience, to save us from our sins and Hell.
What better time to rejoice? We have so much to celebrate – Jesus birthday, when God came to earth as man. His coming had an attached purpose to free us from death into victory of eternal life. We have hope in Christ Jesus.
And in the prophecy it was said – His name shall be called Immanuel – meaning ‘God with us’. Where there is God, there is no darkness. Where there is God, there cannot be any sickness, poverty, sadness, lacking, hunger, or anything brought by satan. God is God none can stand in front of His Holiness. Only He is truly holy. Only He is God.
Not only did God our Father, who loves us so much, send his Son to reconcile us to Him. He also had him die and defeat death and satan so that we may have life eternal with Him. In addition to all this, He thought about our tomorrows too. He had Immanuel sent to us to guide our tomorrows so that we could be led through the right path and be with Him forever. What better love! What better celebration! Our God is our Father, Provider. He is a Good and Faithful God. O come let us adore Him.
