Our Daily Bread


Exodus‬ ‭16:4‬ – “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not.’”
When the Israelites complained about the lack of food in the wilderness, God rained down manna from heaven every morning. But He also instructed them to gather only their daily portion. This was a test of whether they trusted God to provide their daily bread or not. Those who didn’t trust God gathered extra manna, but found it rotten the next day, just like their faith.

Aren’t we too like that at times? We come to God when we’re desperate and God satisfies us. He answers our prayers and grants us enough grace to tide us over the problem. But once we’re over the hill, we neglect meeting with God and take His grace for granted. We cannot live on yesterday’s mercy when God wants to give us new mercies every day.

The Bible reminds us that each day has enough troubles of its own, but we serve a God who’s grace is sufficient to help us overcome our daily battles. Feed on the Word of God daily and receive a top up for your day. Don’t rely on yesterday’s Word; wait on God and get new manna for each new day. God longs to feed you with His Word, and fill you with His Spirit. You just need to approach Him in faith.
