Nahum 1:7: The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
A stronghold is free from attacks, it is a place of security and refuge from the enemies. In the same way, the Lord is good. He acts like a stronghold in the day of trouble for those who trust in God. God knows everyone who trust in Him.
When we are filled with anguish and in fear or pain from life’s myriad of problems, we tend to lose our faith. The next thing that we lose is the courage to face life. We would be at the verge of just giving up on everything and just sit back and be a spectator of our life, but this is not what God expects of us. The prophet, Nahum here declares boldly that the Lord is a stronghold in the day of trouble. Stronghold is like a fortified place. It is like a fortress where one take shelter from the enemies. It is a place of safety and no harm can befall there. When we run to God in our distress, He will ensure that we are protected from whatever is chasing us or want to hold captive. When we run to God with faith knowing that He will definitely defend us and save us, the challenges in life will become incapacitated. God definitely knows all those who trust in Him.
Run to God in the day of your trouble. Do not try to take any shortcuts to save yourself from danger. There can be no better protection other than God himself.