Peace Helps You Overcome


Romans 16:20 – “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”

It is a known fact that Satan is our greatest adversary. He attacks us in many ways through different circumstances. But the greatest threat to our spiritual wellbeing is the way he attacks our minds. No matter the suffering you may be going through, as long as you have a heart that truly trusts in God, you cannot be defeated.

It is when you are already struggling to hold on to your faith that Satan starts planting seeds of worry and doubt in your mind. It’s easy to fall prey to a negative pattern of thinking when you encourage thoughts like, “this problem is never going to get solved”, “has God forsaken me?” or “my life is never going to get better.”

You need to acknowledge that such thoughts are not inspired by God. He is the author of peace and not of confusion. Quieten your mind with God’s Word and don’t give up until you are filled with His peace. The enemy is defeated when the peace of God rules in your heart. The grace of God will carry you through, and you will remain a conqueror through Christ.