Praise brings victory


Psalm 57:9:  I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people:  I will sing unto thee among the nations.

David wrote this psalm when he was in a cave hiding from Saul.  Apparently, Saul also was in the same cave but on the other side.  David decided to pray to God for protection because it looked like Saul would find him soon.  He trusted in God’s mercy and defence.  That is why David decided to praise the Lord in public and sing unto Him among the nations.

David had the confidence that if he prayed to God, he would be delivered.  He did not let discouragement or fear lay a hold on him.  The courage in his heart and the boldness to seek God’s face pumped his faith in the God of Israel.  He held God close to him and God held him close too.  Their relationship was not just a believer and God thing.  It was an intimate one after he came to be known as a man after God’s own heart.  Many times, we stumble.  We feel discouraged, scared, intimidated.  Panic attacks and anxiety take control of our nervous system that we hardly have any strength to put ourselves back in one piece.  In moments such as these, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and praise Him.  When you realize you are losing the battle, go down on your knees and just start thanking God for the victory.  Finally, when you leave your prayer room, you will feel like a giant because the battle is won.

Build a deep-rooted relationship with God Almighty so that He will know it is you who is calling Him.


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