Present yourself with Faith and Boldness


2 Timothy 2:15

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Let us understand the context of 2 Timothy. It is the letter Paul wrote to encourage Timothy to keep going even when life seems tough. The main theme is endurance throughout the journey of life. Let us split the scripture into three parts and understand what Paul is trying to tell Timothy and how we can relate it to our lives.

 Be diligent in presenting yourself to God as approved – we are already approved when we believe in Christ. But the question is, “Will we act like that all the time?” Irrespective of our best efforts, we may not always live up to the mark. We might slip on some occasions, but we must repent and get back on the path we are called to. What matters is how many times we pick ourselves up diligently and present ourselves to God with faith.

 A worker who does not need to be ashamed—an approved worker must not be ashamed. When we walk in the path of righteousness, not everyone will understand and support us. We need to focus on what God’s will is for our lives and never be ashamed of what we believe and stand for.

 Rightly dividing the word of truth, it is important that God’s word be taught and interpreted properly. Simply put across, understand the Word, and live accordingly.

 In today’s world, it is so easy to get distracted and focus on things that make people happy rather than seek and please the Lord. Paul urges Timothy to view himself as a worker who is seeking to please God alone and who will handle the truth with boldness and not be ashamed.


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