Private moments with God


Matthew 6:6:  But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Prayer should be the lifeline of every child of God.  Paul wrote in one of his epistles that we should always pray.  Prayer should be our breath, the only way that we can stay connected with God throughout the day.  Jesus said that when we pray, we should go to our room and speak to the Father and when He sees us pray in secret, we will be rewarded openly.

Jesus was not telling that public prayers or worship is wrong.  Praying privately or secretly is a time that you can share your heart with God.  Tell Him everything that is hidden in your heart, your secret affairs, your secret life, your secret everything.  That is the time when you feel that you are connected to God and are not getting distracted.  Pour out your life to God.  Private prayer is a prayer where you can feel secure and also be assured that you are heard by God, the Father.  When God sees this kind of a sincerity from your heart and your ability to trust Him with everything that is bothering you, He will reward you openly.  You will reap great rewards for being honest about yourself with Him.

Jesus prayed alone too on mountain tops.  He would talk to His Father and be strengthened to go about the day’s business.  Speak to God with the deep assurance that He is listening to you everytime that you talk to Him.  Trust Him with every aspect of your life.
