Promise of Restoration


Jeremiah 33:6

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.

The Lord spoke this beautiful promise of restoration to Jerusalem. They tried their best to defend their city, though the Lord had already released His judgement over them. Unfortunately, they fought the Chaldeans only to be left with a city filled with death and destruction.

Sometimes, we are in situations like that in life. The view around us is that of hopelessness, despair, trouble, tears, heartbreak, trauma, etc. What can we do as humans, but grieve? One thing that we can do with all of our hearts is ‘PRAY.’  Reflect over our own lives and come before the Lord with a contrite heart. Humbly, we need to ask for His mercy for ourselves.  Interceding for someone else means that you may have to stand in the gap and ask forgiveness for their sins. It might not seem fair, but that is exactly what Jesus Christ does for you and me!!! In Romans 8:34 we read that He sits at the right Hand of the Most High and makes intercession on behalf of us.

Today is also recognized as National Doctor’s Day. Earthly doctors do their best to ‘save,’ ‘help,’ or ‘relieve’ the pain of others. They take the Hippocratic Oath to promote ‘good’ health and care for the sick. This oath is an affirmation of resolve to integrity. While most doctors do their utmost in ensuring compassion, they too have limitations.

Praise God for the greatest of all physicians. When He declares that He WILL bring health and healing, He will go to all lengths-even unto the cross-to bring it to pass. Beloved, may the abundant life that Christ promised be yours in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being!!!


One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    01 Jul 2022 06:00:52 Reply

    Thank you lord for this good health, lord I thank you for protecting us day and night. Lord I pray to keep the evil one away from us in Jesus name I pray Amen

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