Psalm 107:9
“For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness.“
David wrote Psalm 107 as a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Psalm 107:9 talks about a longing soul and a hungry soul. In a spiritual sense, the word “longing” or “yearning” can describe a strong desire to return to one’s origin or state of highest superiority after becoming lost or stranded in dire straits. “hungry” can describe the state where we yearn for more and more of Him.
We were created in the image of God to have communion with Him daily. Sin separated us from God and we became empty always desiring something more. The world tries to fill that something more with materialistic things and we are never satisfied. Our longing can be satisfied only through the restoration of our state and only our creator is capable of doing it. He removes our sins and gives us purpose and meaning in this life.
As we grow in Him he instills a deep hunger in the heart to “know him and the power of His resurrection …” Then we will realize that salvation is not only that exciting moment when we are born again but also a lifelong process where our faith and trust is tested and tried. It is then we realize how precious is the fellowship with Him than the day we first believed. Our God alone can fill us with goodness to satisfy our hunger to know Him and make Him known.
He is the source of satisfaction. He loves us and will never leave us yearning. Let us therefore cultivate hunger and thirst to know Him and make Him known in and through our life.
Blessed Day Ahead.
Omg very well spoken, in knowing him as christians we are not supposed to drink of him one time, this should be a daily thing. Satisfied and still thirsty for more. Jesus put it this way who shall continue drinking of me shall never go thirsty. John4:14. There’s two kinds of thirst one that leads to him and makes want more, another leads to sin.