John 15:4 NKJV
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”
John 15:4 states how essential Jesus is for our lives to be fruitful. The analogy of the vine and its branches demonstrates how intimate our relationship with Jesus is. This bond, an integral part of our faith, is necessary for our growth.
A branch can rely solely on its vine for nourishment and strength. If it is detached from its parent, it will wilt and die. In the same manner, we have to allow Christ to nurture our hearts, minds, and actions. He gives us the strength, serenity, and clarity to face life’s adversities and become our best.
The more attention we give to our union with Jesus, the more His truth and love can mold our character. This union will “bear fruit”: joy, love, kindness, patience, self-control, etc., according to Galatians 5:22-23. It doesn’t mean working harder to be good but rather allowing Jesus to manifest through our lives.
This is relevant to the difficulties you might face: dealing with a difficult relationship, keeping your cool when things get stressful, or making hard choices. We receive the courage and wisdom to handle such situations, by staying connected to Jesus through prayer, diving into His Word, and trusting in Him.
Abiding in Jesus is not only to evade mistakes. It’s about relying on His strength to live a life of significance. He doesn’t want us to just survive, He wants us to thrive! When we lean on Him, we find peace in the storm, joy in suffering, and hope when life seems unbearable.
Jesus encourages each of us to rely on Him, not just for a one-time decision, but on a daily basis. The more we remain connected to Him, the deeper this relationship will grow.