Staying Under God’s Protection


Psalm 91:1 – “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

“The woman picked up her dog, who cradled inside her arm, and as the veterinary approached, the small dog tucked her nose inside the fold of her owner’s arm, sure that she would be protected from any harm.”  If a small dog trusts her owner this much to protect her, how much more can we trust our God?

Psalm 91 is a Psalm filled with the promises of protection and deliverance to those who dwell in the shelter of The Most High. There, they will be covered by His feathers, and under His wings they will find refuge.

We need to stay in the shelter of the Most High and not move away from there. We need to continually stay in the presence of our God and remain very close to Him, where we find our refuge, comfort , protection, and where no harm can befall us.

The Lord our God protected His people from every pestilence and death before they left Egypt; he protected Rahab and her family when she hid the spies sent by Joshua; He protected David who was hiding in a cave.

Our Lord protects you and me daily. Stay close to Him and thank Him for always delivering you from all harm.

“Your life is now hidden with Christ in God”. (Colossians 3:3).


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