Surrender to transform


Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.  Hebrews 4:16 KJV

As we live in His kingdom we are always changing or want change- new beginnings, constant revival and renewal. It means we have the power to release our old habits, lifestyles and exchange them for something much better. How does this exchange work? It was the gift of calvary in our lives by the grace of our heavenly Father that made this exchange so perfect.

Jesus Christ our Lord and savior bore our sins and transgressions so that we might boldly come before the Lord into His presence, blameless and perfect. Our Lord’s grace is not only His unmerited favor over His children but it is also God’s divine enablement,that will enable us to reform from the old. A lot of times, we may feel like our past or our mistakes get in the way of God from loving us. As children of God, let us remind ourselves of the truth- God gave His only begotten son to the world so that whomsoever may believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. This validates the fact that Jesus died even when we were sinners, His love hung on the cross even when we did not deserve it. This only goes to say there is nothing that anyone can do to make Him love us any more or any less.

The truth is, in Christ we are washed clean, in Christ are we made perfect,with this truth let us remind ourselves that either sin will keep us away from prayer or prayer will keep us away from sin.. Surrender your weaknesses, your addictions, your past, your fears, your strongholds, your idols to the Lord who is faithful. This is the power of God’s grace and all that is required of us is to Surrender unto His throne.


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