The Look of Love


Psalm 67:1 – “God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us.”

May God be merciful to us and bless us, and look on us with kindness, truly show us His favor and smile on us. What beautiful words which express our desire to experiment the tender mercies of God.

Shine according to the dictionary is “a quality of brightness produced when light is reflected on something.”  Christ is the great light, the sun of righteousness. And you and I are the something. Because of God’s tender mercies, Christ, His face, shines upon us.

Can you picture the impact when Jesus lovingly looked upon the woman who was caught in the act of adultery. (John 8:4)  Or at the cross, when one of the criminals acknowledged his fear for God, at that moment believed that Jesus was God, and was immediately pardoned and saved. (Luke 23: 40-43)

Jesus came into the world to save us, not to condemn us. (John 3:17)

God has been merciful to us, and He has blessed us already, because He has caused Jesus’ face to shine upon you and me.


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