The Lord of the WINDS


Isaiah 27:8

In measure, by sending it away, You contended with it. He removes it by His rough wind in the day of the east wind.

The East Wind was an extremely violent and destructive type of wind that came mostly from the wilderness. Job describes it like this: The east wind carries him away, and he is gone. It sweeps him away. It whirls down on him without mercy. He struggles to flee from its power. Everyone jeers at him and mocks them. (Job 27)

Are you familiar with the East Wind? Listen to what the WORD says, HE removes it by His rough wind.

What happens to the various places when severe storms like this are inflicted upon it? Normal life is completely disrupted. At first, as you begin to see the effect all around, you wonder how much more? You wonder if you are going to make it? You wonder what’s the future going to be like now that this has happened? Fear lurks as the storm gets stronger. As with the storms in our lives, breaking us so bad-bruised relationships, failing health, declining finances, bleeding emotions, almost everything in sight, destroyed. Even that which was cherished by the heart is now gone.

As man looks, it is a sight of hopelessness. But the Most High looks at it as a fresh new start. Sometimes, when foundations have been shattered, Praise the Lord, for He Himself will become your cornerstone on which you can begin re-building. Praise Him for His rough wind. Praise the Lord for He may allow the calamities but He is also the One who restrains them, in measure. Dear Lord, help us trust in YOU at ALL times. Even when we don’t trust ourselves, we trust your faithfulness that you will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. Fill us with your strength and peace, in Jesus’s Name!



  1. Mary George
    24 Sep 2018 01:01:03 Reply

    Dear Pastor,
    Greetings to you in His precious Name. I keep reading the messages regularly, it’s such a blessing.
    Please uphold my elder daughter in your prayers. She has completed her engineering now, her dream and desire is to do her Masters abroad.. Please pray that His will be done in her life. Pray for financial needs to be met in this regard.
    Upholding your ministry in my prayers always.
    Thank you Pastor, hope you would pray and kindly reply.

    • Bethel Team
      02 Oct 2018 15:04:47 Reply

      Sister Mary,
      We assure you of our prayers for your daughter’s future

  2. Susan Ajo
    24 Sep 2018 08:46:26 Reply

    Lord strengthen me!

    Pastor, pls pray for myself and family. Thank you.

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