The Lord’s Goodness


Psalm 33:5 – “He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.”

God is good all the time and all the time, God is good… We like to sing it loud when all is well in our life. But what happens when tragedy strikes, situations get out of hand and we’re struggling to stay afloat? Do we still believe that God is good?

We cannot doubt that God is righteous and just. He awards each person according to the works of their hands. If you have been faithful to do your part, and you trust God to keep His promises, everything will work out for you. It may look like He has forsaken you, but you can be sure He hasn’t. God’s love for you is unending; He watches over you as the apple of His eye.

Yes, God does allow us to go through storms in our lives, but He also promises to guide us through it. Trials help us build our spiritual muscles and grow mature in our faith. Even in the darkest valleys, stay true to your identity as a child of God. Trust Him and do what is right – you will find favor in the eyes of both God and man.