The new you


Colossians 3:3:  For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

What does it mean when someone is dead? It simply means that the person has ceased to exist and that the soul has gone to a resting place. Whatever work or function this person did while still alive can no longer be carried out because of his/her nonexistence.

When those who accepted the Lord Jesus is “dead,” while still alive, it means that this person is dead to the world and its pleasures, but is alive in the Lord. Such a person’s life is hidden in Christ and now it is no longer the person living but Christ living in him/her. Whatever this person does must and should bring glory to God. The Holy Spirit will direct every steps this person takes. Generally, things of higher value are put in a safe place, away from being robbed or destroyed. In the same way, when our life is hidden in Christ, it means that our life is secure in Him.  God will give us the grace to do what He wants to do through us.

The scriptures say that we are seated in the heavenlies with the Lord Jesus.  If we have to be seated there, then we should live a life worthy of that position.  Doing nothing and aimlessly going about in life without any purpose is not what is called as living in Christ.  It means living every breath of life for God since our past is dead to the world and its passion.  Let our minds and our hearts be renewed and transformed.


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