The Perfect Plan of God


Ephesians 2:10 NKJV

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

God may not always reveal our purpose to us. Sometimes He conceals it from us, until such time that we are prepared to walk into it. He always finishes what He started. Therefore, we can be rest assured that the good work that He put in us even before we were born will be completed with perfection.
Walking in God`s plan requires us to have a strong and Godly conviction. He wants us to pursue His plans with anticipation and commitment. If during this journey, we are compelled to give up on something that separates us from His destiny for us, or delays our promised blessings, then we ought to give up on them with no regrets.
Let us remember that God`s plans are always the best in every situation. Hence walk in obedience and confidence into His purpose and watch His great plans unravel in front of you.

Therefore walk by faith and not by sight as your master goes before you and plans ahead of you. Nothing takes Him by surprise as He is always in control of our lives. Do not panic if things do not turn out the way you expected, as everything is in place and on time.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    23 Jan 2021 09:37:46 Reply

    Praise God. My plan about my beloved may fail. Hid plan about me never fails. Because His plan about me is perfect will of His creation.
    Thank you God

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