The precious Love of GOD.


The Lord your God is in your midst, The Mighty One, will save;He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zepheniah : 3:17

When an infant cries, we see its mother calming the child with her love, and singing over the child with lullabies. Similarly the word of God says, when we are sobbing with pain and holding our tears to not fall weak, GOD will quieten our soul with HIS LOVE and will rejoice over us with singing. 

Love of GOD is our greatest asset. His presence amidst us makes everything meaningful and beautiful. We cannot imagine a day without HIS LOVE. he is the mother to the motherless and a healer to the diseased. 

In a day, many “what if’s” cross our minds, what if my business will not succeed, what if my marriage breaks, what if I don’t make it through the promotion at office, what if i fall short of money this month etc etc. We all battle these uncertainties in our mind, and how do we win our battle with these “what If’s” of our life? By learning to quietly trust in HIS LOVE for us. 

How much do you think GOD loves you? The answer to this question hung on a cross, bled every drop of blood to prove to us unworthy people, how much HE loves us. So surrender your questions and uncertainties  to GOD and receive HIS LOVE as the answer for the certainties of your life.


One Comment

  1. F Chourappa
    09 Aug 2019 05:32:06 Reply

    Yes I believe God Loves me I hope he will help me in business
    It is perfect God’s Word I believe God has spoken
    With you for my purpose

    Thanksgiving you

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