The Right Perspective


Romans 11:36

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever.


As humans we often give glory to the great astronauts who discover new planets, and scientists who decipher the functionality of molecules, while forgetting to acknowledge the awesome power that designed everything in such perfection, that humans can spend millenniums rejoicing in relatively tiny discoveries.

Of course, when we compare anything to God it becomes insignificant, because the Creator is always more powerful than the created.

Job, one of the oldest characters in the Bible, was from the land of Uz. Though he was faithful to God, he encountered many problems in life. The devil had challenged God that His faithful steward, Job, would turn away from the creator when his blessings – created things – were taken away from him.

The devil huffed and puffed and was left breathless, but Job knew that everything created was of God, through God and to God. He did not turn away from the creator even when things hit rock bottom.

God loves faithful children because loyalty is one of the most appreciated traits in the kingdom of God. And so, Job was blessed immensely during the latter stages of his life.

Yes, when we give all glory to God and get the right perspective in life, we will be blessed beyond our wildest imagination. Let’s give God the honour He deserves and enjoy the benefits of living for His glory.


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