The Rock of My Strength


Psalm 62:7 – “In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God.”

“He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me”. (NIV)

There is a famous children’s story book entitled “The Three Little Pigs”. In the story, these little pigs are trying to escape a fatal encounter with a mean wolf, and the only pig that survives the wolf is the one who built a house with bricks, which could not be destroyed by the cunning predator.

In real life, we all need protection, not necessarily from predator animals, but from all the scheming and deadly tricks of our enemy .

In Psalm 62, we find David reminding himself that his soul finds rest in God alone; that He is his refuge; that He alone is his salvation; that He is his fortress, his rock – a rock where no enemy can reach him, that mighty rock where he finds safety.

We need to daily remind ourselves that our mighty God is mighty strong; that He is our rock, He is the rock of our salvation; that He is our fortress and that we will not be shaken!

Even in the children’s story, the one little pig knew he needed a strong place to survive the wolf.

So much more you and I need to know, and place ourselves, our trust, our hope, our souls, in God alone, our cornerstone, for He alone is our only place of safety, our strong tower, our refuge! Amen!


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