
Psalm 4:1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.

In The Message Translation, the same verse says- “When I call, give me answers. God, take my side! Once, in a tight place, you gave me room; now I’m in trouble again: grace me! hear me!”

How familiar does this prayer sound? Lord, many times before, you have alleviated my suffering and relieved me from uncomfortable situations. Now, it seems like I’m in a repeat situation with a different set-up. Can you please answer and save me? Again?

That is the confidence David had in the Lord. Every time he would call on the Lord, He was faithful to answer and deliver. When he was in a place of need, feeling like being ‘broke,’ he knew that the Lord would be his provider; so long as he was leaning and trusting in God. When he felt afflicted and desolate, he awaited God’s righteousness.

This ‘tight place’, that he was referring to could mean many different things to us. We probably messed up at work and now are in a fix. Maybe we feel trapped in a relationship and can’t figure out how to end it. Some might be experiencing a blank state of mind; unable to think clearly because of the overcrowding worries. Few others might be in financial crisis, while others may have constricting health conditions.

The answer is right here: our God can deliver those who are stuck, save them who are confined and enlarge those needing enlargements. He can replace your worries with peace, give you the wisdom to handle finances and heal your sicknesses. All we need is to decree, declare and depend on Him, His ways and His timing.



  1. Dr.Alpa Adwita
    12 Aug 2022 19:57:25 Reply

    Amen hallelujah..I needed it and God send this Word to me…all glory goes to HIM and HIM again…I was desolate due to some personal problem of mine but God is my peace and hope.

  2. Mary Priya Sharma
    13 Aug 2022 08:17:50 Reply

    Praise the lord. Yesterday when I was in stressed situation due to office conflicts. I immediately turned to God and I received the above message. It really helped me to come out from the situation which I was going through. Really god peace and hope is with us.

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