The truth of the matter


Psalm 37:28 For the Lord loves justice and does not forsake His saints; they are preserved forever, but the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.

Have you ever received a bouquet as a gesture of gratitude or appreciation?  Or better, have you ever sent somebody one? Flowers are a sight so lovely! But they don’t last forever, in a few days they wither and are then thrown into the rubbish. In this Psalm, King David encourages you and me to have the right perspective. We face enemies in our lives like the army of King David faced, however this passage emphasizes how our enemies will wilt and wither away.  So, let’s look at things for what they are.

The challenges

As the saying goes, knowing the problem is half the solution. The challenges you are facing today are temporary. This Psalm compares them to things that pass away like grass, spring flowers, and smoke. It further assures us that The Lord will not allow them to succeed in our lives. The Lord laughs at our enemies. Their swords will stab their hearts.

The righteous.

In verse 6 The psalmist says, ‘He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
your vindication like the noonday sun’. He further assures that God is our fortress. Since time began there has not been a day gone by without the noonday sun or dawn. As certain as the dawn and the noonday sun, so is the victory of the righteous. The Lord promises that we will not be disgraced in hard times. We may stumble but will never fall. We will never be abandoned as He will never leave us. We are safe forever.

Our response

This passage encourages us to trust in the Lord and do good. Trust His timings and that He is just and true. Trust is built over time and experiences. Take a moment to reflect on all the times God brought you through, in ways only He could. Experiences that didn’t make sense but in hindsight it was a platform for a miracle. His faithfulness was proven again. So, take heart because the truth of the matter is that our God is Sovereign, and the victory inevitably is yours. 


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