Through the calm and through the storm- God I trust You. 


Psalm 86:7

In the day of my trouble, I will call upon You, for You will answer me.”

Psalm 86:7 is an amazing demonstration of David’s confidence in God. He knew that God was not a fair-weather friend but a trustworthy source that he could rely on in good and bad times.

 We all need God every single minute of the day. We tend to sometimes take things into our own hands and try to solve them in the first place, making prayer our last resort. We are His children, and God has promised us, again and again, to take care of and protect us throughout our journey. He has nowhere mentioned that we will face no troubles but instead through our difficult situations. He is our comforter, teacher, and deliverer. Our God is so full of compassion and mercy that nothing we go through will ever destroy us; instead, we come out victorious.

 We have all come across the term muscle memory.” If not, it just means a neurological process that allows us to remember certain skills or habits without conscious effort. We need to make Psalm 86:7 our muscle memory. In the day of my trouble, learn to call upon the Lord. He is our biggest and only strength.




  1. Rev.Varaprasad Mark
    04 Jul 2023 19:22:21 Reply

    Praise the Lord Pastor. i am very much interested in hearing your messages. Please send me your link.

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    05 Jul 2023 09:02:35 Reply

    yes indeed he alone is our strengh healer defender portecter .thanks and praises be to lord Jesus 🙏 for everything

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