Time for a Revival


Ezekiel 36:26

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

We’ve all experienced a wide array of emotions, ranging from pure joy to utter sadness. But the most dangerous emotion isn’t one of the negative feelings that may overcome us. Instead, it is the lack of feeling – or apathy, a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Have you ever been to that place where you don’t even care about anything anymore? That indifference can be the most harmful place for your soul.

God created us to be living, breathing, feeling beings. It’s in our nature to feel. But many times, any kind of trauma, grief, loss, or even boredom can cause us to become indifferent. We just get up each morning with zero motivation and go about our day with barely any life left in us. Well, it’s in those times that we need a red-hot revival!

If you find yourself in such a place today, can you claim today’s verse and ask God to give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you? Yes, sometimes the feelings hurt. But understanding where you hurt can guide you towards God’s healing and restoration. God understands the emotions that are running through your mind at this time. Trust Him to revive your soul and restore His peace that surpasses all understanding.


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