Under His Wings


Psalm 91:4 “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

In this verse, the psalmist describes a comforting image of God’s protective care. Like a bird sheltering its young under its wings, God covers us, His children, with His feathers, providing a safe refuge from the trials and tribulations that come our way. His truth serves as a shield and buckler, guarding us against the assaults of the enemy.

We observe a similar metaphor throughout the bible. The most similar one is Deuteronomy 32:11-12. In this verse, we see that our relationship with God is like that of an eagle with its young ones. The mighty eagle will protect its eaglets under its mighty wings but when the time is right the eagle will let its children soar high in the skies above, provided the eagle is always with its young.

The imagery of us being covered by God’s feathers speaks of His tender care and nurturing love. In times of trouble, we find peace, safety, and rest beneath His wings, shielded from harm. His truth, His unchanging truth, becomes our defence against the lies and attacks of the enemy. God’s word is the truth; by using the scripture against the attacks of the adversary, just as Jesus did in Matthew 4:1-11. Amid life’s uncertainties, we find comfort in God’s protective embrace. His truth becomes our firm foundation, shielding us from doubt, fear, and deception.

Today, let’s meditate on this thought and find reassurance in God’s sheltering presence. May we rest securely beneath His wings, knowing that His truth is our sure defence. In Him, we find refuge, strength, and unshakeable peace.


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