Unfailing GOD


For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:05 NKJV

How many of us can make a perfect plan, that doesn’t fail at all? Not many of us can. some of our plans for our lives may be for our career or marriage, Investments sometimes fail, even though we have put our best efforts and taken all the required precautions. We are all mere humans, who try and succeed or try and Fail. But we have a GOD who NEVER FAILS. Psalm 100 is a reminder of HIS Goodness and faithfulness.

With GOD on our side, even the failures of life will not be able to hold us back from the victory that surely belongs to us. To follow Christ Jesus and to see HIS perfect plan manifest in our lives, we must see and envision our lives, with the eyes of faith. The present situation of our life might seem chaotic and uncertain, but in faith, believe in a greater season of life, believe in victory over weaknesses, Believe in GOD who makes all things work for our good. Just Beleive.

The Bible is full of examples of the perfect planning of GOD, Who knew, when GOD called some fishermen and a tax collector, to follow HIM, They would create history? Who knew that Saul would become Paul and change the lives of many? GOD plans everything wonderfully and intricately. We just need to obey HIM and let HIM take control of our lives, and We too will rise and shine for HIS name and HIS glory.


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