What is Love?


1 Corinthians 13:4-5  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil.

Love is a fragile emotion. When people hurt us, we love them less, and vice-versa.

This leads us to believe that God’s love is also based on our actions.

But God’s love is different. It is constant, unconditional, and perfect!

Yet, at times we feel like we’re in a long-distance relationship with God. Do you know why?

It is simply because we don’t believe and acknowledge His love for us.

The Crucifixion

Seated beneath the cross of Jesus, John’s world was in utter turmoil. He had just witnessed the unthinkable! All the disciples, except himself, had disappeared. Peter, the rock, had denied knowing Jesus. The Jews were asking for the release of a criminal in exchange for Jesus’ crucifixion. The Romans had mercilessly flogged Jesus and humiliated Him by placing a crown of thorns on His head and casting lots for His clothes.

Yet, while hanging on the cross, the Lord Jesus displayed selfless love for everyone present when He said, “Father forgive them.”

But not everyone believed or acknowledged His love. Only one man in that entire setting was absolutely certain that Jesus loved him. It was the disciple John!

He wrote, “When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said…” – John 19:26.

The Takeaway

It took a lot of belief to call himself ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ in the same sentence where Mary is simply referred to as ‘Jesus’ mother’. It just goes to show how much John believed that he was God’s favourite.

In truth, each one of us is so uniquely created that we are all God’s favourites. He does not have to pick and choose because He has more than enough love and blessings for all! However, only a few of us choose to believe in this special love. These are the people who experience the fullness of God’s goodness!

Can we be like John and embrace the unconditional love that God has for us? It will transform our lives forever because no one can love us the way God does!


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