What’s Your Talent


James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.


Moses is probably one of the best examples of an introvert in the Holy Bible.

Brought up as a prince in the palace of Pharaoh, he received the best of everything.

Still, how could he not feel out of place as a Jew in the palace of the Egyptians, especially when his own people (the Jews) were slaves in Egypt?

There is no record of his interactions with the Egyptians in the palace. In fact, the only time he addressed an Egyptian was when he murdered him for ill-treating a Jew. And when he knew that the news about the murder had spread, he fled the scene in typical introvert fashion.

He journeyed to a far off land and lived a comfortable life as a shepherd in a small town. It was his haven!

But disruption was at hand…

When God wanted to raise a leader, He picked Moses!

Why would God choose an introvert whose natural response to a fight-or-flight situation was to run to a different country?

That’s the speciality of our God! He doesn’t look at us as the world looks at us. In fact, He doesn’t even view us as we view ourselves.

God saw a leader where there was a fearful introvert!

And the rest is history…

Moses delivered the Israelites out of slavery and led hundreds of thousands of people towards the promised land.

Often God’s gifts may seem misplaced. But God knows us better than we know ourselves.

He has sowed seeds of talents within us that will bear fruit in the appointed season. Let’s use our talents for His glory!


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    07 Feb 2020 08:39:56 Reply

    Yes indeed talant is given to each of us by God. Let’s respond to His plan and purpose. Talant of preaching scriptures for the salvation of our family, friends and any young and old.
    So we need to come out of our own comfort zone. We need to respond to God’s call. Let’s follow foot steps of our Lord Jesus who laid down His life for us on the cross of Calvary.
    Heavenly Father help us to do your will. Help us to move on to fulfill thy will. Thank you the life you have given to all of us . We give alli the glory and honour. In the Jesus precious name we pray Amen.

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