Psalms 150:1 NKJV
Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
Praising God is not the same as praising men. It is not to flatter God, puff Him up, or boost His pride. When we praise God, we remove our blindness and see Him as powerful as He truly is. We realise how small and insignificant our problems are in the majesty of His greatness. It helps us focus on God, change our perspective, and deal with difficult circumstances.
We can praise God with our words, songs, dance, music, art, and instruments. The Bible says it is good to praise the Lord and make music to His name (Psalms 92:1). The word ‘Hallelujah’ means “Praise the Lord”. We can also praise Him by clapping, lifting our hands, bowing, kneeling, standing, shouting, and dancing.
When do we praise God? We can always praise Him. We can praise Him in fellowship and in private, in joy and sadness. We can praise Him for His miracles and breakthroughs. We can also praise Him in advance by faith for the miracles yet to come. We can praise Him for answered prayers as well as unanswered prayers.
Even when you don’t have anything to praise, there are enough reasons to thank God. He loves you so much that He came to earth for you, granted you salvation by forgiving all your sins, and gave you His Holy Spirit to help you live your life for Him. He calls you His child, giving you membership in His family with a sure gift of eternal life in heaven with Him forever.
The most apt praise and worship we can give God is by living our lives well in His grace and making our Savior shine bright through us for all to see.