
1 Corinthians 6:20 – ” For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Sometimes we give more value to material things, which we can purchase and showcase, than giving value to our bodies, in the sense of respecting and not abusing them. Not only when we dress and behave appropriately but when we honor it as a place where the Spirit of the Lord resides – His temple.

However, it is common to hear some people say(children included): “It is my body, and I can do whatever I want.” From piercings, tattoos, overindulging with food, becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, contemplating and practising what is sexually immoral. And sadly, depending on the culture, these practices are becoming more acceptable and normal to the point where few things are shocking.

What we often forget is that our bodies were purchased, at a price: the Precious Blood of Jesus.

He freely and willingly chose to die for us. So, let us then also freely and willingly love Him, obey Him and please Him. Let us reflect more of Him in us; let us glorify God in our body and our spirit because we are His!


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