Your Crown of Life


Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Do we hear God’s voice when we step out of His will and go astray? How often do we listen to that still, small voice that encourages us to stay on track?

Saul and David were the first two kings of Israel. While Saul had all the physical attributes of a king, David’s own family did not believe he had what it took to lead Israel. But God saw something in David that the world did not.

What was it that impressed God?

The Difference between Saul and David

Just before Saul was dethroned, he was ordered to wage war against the Amalekites and destroy them completely. But Saul kept the best of their livestock for himself. When Prophet Samuel asked him about it, he did not own up to his mistake. Instead, he blamed the soldiers for it.

On the other hand, David had a man killed whose wife he wanted for himself. When confronted by Prophet Nathan, he owned up to his sin and repented penitently. Although he was punished severely, God loved David because he acknowledged his sin, repentantly sought forgiveness, and corrected himself. Even to this day King David is recognized as the greatest king of Israel.

The Crown of Life

As humans, none of us are perfect. We are prone to sin. But it isn’t our sin that cuts us off from God. It is our reaction when the Holy Spirit convicts us that makes all the difference.

Are we like David who owned up to his mistake and sought forgiveness, or like Saul who shifted the blame to maintain a holy-on-the-outside image?

God knows our hearts. He appreciates people with penitent hearts because they are open to correction. It is through the process of conviction and correction that God moulds us into upright individuals who are worthy of the crown of life!  

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