
Matthew 6:1:  Take heed that ye do not your alms before men to be seen of them; otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

Helping someone in need is not wrong, but the intention of it is what matters the most to God.  Helping somebody with an intention of being praised and being sung of such act is not what God desires of us.  He doesn’t like self-praise and bragging about oneself.  If we sing of our own life and glorify in what we did, we are not eligible for the reward that is due us in heaven.

The so called religious leaders and gurujis during the time of Jesus loved to be praised and greeted in the synagogues and market places.  They deliberately gave alms to the downtrodden in the society so that others would see it and glorify their acts.  God hated such acts because their heart was not right with God.  They did those acts out of sheer desire to be recognized and honored in their society.  If we serve people, our intention should be to glorify God through our acts.  What is the intention of our heart today?  What are we thinking when we help people in need?

Ask God for a heart of humility and servitude.  Ask God to change your hearts completely.  Our intention should be to exalt God and glorify Him in all our acts and not to earn favor and recognition from man while helping them with their needs.  Have a humble heart!
