Praise- Highest form of Worship


Psalm 7:17

“I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.”

The above verse encourages us to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. It does not apply any conditions to thank Him and praise Him. We are commanded to do so, not because of the things that He has done for us, but because He is holy and righteous. His ways are perfect and virtuous.

We as children of God have been called to approach His throne with a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise Him incessantly. Regardless of our situation, whether good or bad, we ought to be thankful to God for His eternal grace and righteousness. In fact, praising God is the highest act of worship. Its acknowledging God`s divine presence in our lives and exalting Him alone above all things.

Let us make a commitment today that no matter what happens, we will give God the highest of praise as He has rightfully earned it. Remember, even if our prayers do not get answered favourably, He is still our God and able to do more than what we ask or imagine. He always has our best interest at heart when He plans our destiny. Therefore, let us praise Him today for what He is about to do tomorrow.


Dear Lord, You are beautiful beyond description. We love You more than we can say. We thank You for always being there for us and never ever leaving or forsaking us. Draw us closer to You Lord so that Your beauty is revealed to us more than ever. We give You the highest praise as You truly deserve it. Even if You do not do anything more for us, what you have done for us on the cross is more than enough for us to praise You and exalt You. Amen!


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