Abundance and lack… how would you respond?


Mark 12:44:  For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

A clear contrast is drawn here by Jesus of a widow who gave out of her want and the others who gave to God out of their abundance.  Jesus was pleased with her offering because she gave it all to God without thinking about the next minute or what she would eat or if she has enough money for all of her needs.  She just gave it all to God.

Are we holding back on giving freely to God?  God loves a cheerful giver and the attitude of such givers.  We have to give ourselves wholly to God, our time, our health, our finances, our talents, resources.  It is in times of want that we should test our attitude to God.  When we have lots of food on our table, it is easy to spare some for some hungry soul.  When we have lot of money, it is again easy to give to God, but what if it is the other way around will we have the same attitude to serve?  How many of us would strive to honor God in our lack?  How many of us would thank God for less resources and yet serve God with it?

Give yourselves wholly to God whether in abundance or lack.  Let us learn to sacrifice some things in our life to attain His favor and appreciation for us.  God bless you.
