Be Quiet and know that I am Lord!


Galatians 3:11

It is not easy to be quiet in your flesh; the mind and the heart overpower and establishes its reign in our lives. But the quiet spirit who lives in union with the Lord knows that only silence at times creates true power of the Holy Spirit.

But that no one is justified by the law in the sign of God is evident, for “the just shall live by faith.”

Life can be difficult at times and so much so that it can at times create in us confusion, stress, exhaustion, etc but in all of that negative energy that overcomes our emotions and senses, there is the positive will of the Cross. At times such as these, we need to look at the Cross.  The Cross reminds us that we need to live by faith and faith alone. The blinded Saul became Paul not because he knew and could see the future ahead of him but because his blindness made him reach a place in his life that called for faith to learn, to understand and walk alongside something he did not understand. He just knew in his heart that it was the right thing and it was GOD.

Jesus can touch each one of us in different ways and sometimes he does it also by putting different people into our lives. He does it by helping us accept the differences and understand that humility also comes in acceptance and letting be. Humility is wisdom and it increases faith. However, humility does not come with the intelligence of man, but it comes with the discernment of the Holy Spirit who we need to allow to do his work. The humble lamb also needs to be the Lion of Judah but alone we cannot be the Lamb or the Lion, we always need faith. Faith in the cross and the blood of the Lamb.



One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    12 Mar 2020 09:41:02 Reply

    From this word of God Gal 3:11, a lesson can be learned that to be ‘ quiet spirit with the union of the Lord ‘is difficult but it’s essentially good. In different and difficult times we need to learn through quietness. To be silent better than violent. Our Lord Jesus quietly took the cruel punishment of cross to save the whole humanity of the world. There is no one, no way and no truth like our Christ Jesus. He’s the only way, the and the life. Hallelujah
    Thank you Lord for your sacrificial love and long suffering. And for your eternal everlasting life. Thank your for the blood you have shed on the cross of Calvary. Cleans me from head to toe. For your endless unconditional agape love. In Jesus name I pray Amen

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