Be thankful always


Psalm 105:1:  O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people.

This is an encouragement to give thanks to God and to call upon His name.  It is good to testify the acts of God among His people.  Is it possible always to give thanks to God?  Maybe not, but that is what we are asked to do.  By giving thanks to God and glorifying His name, we are exalting our God and putting down our worrisome problems so that God will work on them and give us great victory.

Not only in times of trouble are we supposed to call upon His name but at all times just like how we are asked to thank God at all times.  When we do these two things, we can testify of the great things that God will do for us in our lives.  When King Jehoshaphat marched against the enemies, all he and his army did were to give thanks to God.  They called on His name and guess what… God wrought a great victory for them.  His deeds were made known among other nations.  When Job was tested and tried, he never blamed God.  Instead he spoke about the goodness of God and he was exalted to a greater level of blessing in his life.

By giving thanks to God and by calling upon His name, we are actually tapping into God’s blessings and victory for ourselves.  So when God gives you victory, do not be silent about it.  Declare it to your friends, your family, your church, whoever is in contact with you.  Let God be glorified and thanked for ever and ever.

